Saturday, December 25, 2010

pecan caramels

pecan caramels, originally uploaded by nee-cole.

These Pecan Caramels are another gift for my favorite customers - and also another Chef Miho inspiration. I made the recipe my own by omitting the corn syrup - which I think has little flavor benefits and just grosses me out in general - and subbing PURE cane syrup - dark and delicious. They had a depth of flavor not normally found in your standard caramel and the color is so rich and brown. A perfect substitution.

banana bread

banana bread, originally uploaded by nee-cole.

People know what I want to do - my customers at the coffee shop know that my goal is to have my own shop someday and often ask me where I am with 'that'. I think its thoughtful that they ask and show interest in our dreams - and so for Christmas this year I gifted the select few customers who inquire and dream with me some tasty Banana Bread - starting with the Tartine recipe for Banana Bread with Dates and Walnuts I made a few tweaks and additions and ended up with these rustic and moist loaves.
Wrapped them in cellophane and sealed with a gold owl - people were very happy with the results. Making banana bread always reminds me of two people - My mom who loved to bake this when I was a kid; My old chef Miho - who is not old, but very young, and went through a banana bread phase the year I worked with her at Fraiche Culver City.

apple pie

apple pie, originally uploaded by nee-cole.

A mountain of apples!

chicken pot pie

chicken pot pie, originally uploaded by nee-cole.

Another pie of 2010 - Chicken Pot Pie!

the pies of 2010

pecan pie, originally uploaded by nee-cole.

Few things give me great pride and joy - pie crust is one of those things. I could spend hours making crust after crust - seeing the marbling of fat and flour, chilling it, rolling it, shaping it. I love to see the layers come from the oven and show their crispy ruffles to the world.
This year I baked many pies for customers, and on Christmas morning packed them all in boxes and delivered them myself. One house was smack in the middle of opening presents, and a little boy came to the door in his pj's and yelled "MOM THE PIES ARE HERE WOOHOO!!!!!!!"
Quite possibly the best reaction to a pie yet - I am smiling now thinking of his screaming voice and pj'd feet running back to the tree!