Monday, January 31, 2011

must eat everyday - chocolate toast

I know when you start a new blog, you are supposed to post every day, at least every week. I am sorry I have not been so attentive. I have a good excuse - a few actually. 

I went to New York for a little holiday, and I was planning to post from my hotel room about all the reservations we had made and all the bakeries I would trek through snow to try - instead I ended up in bed, with the real deal flu. I'll spare you details, but it involved my stomach, and every muscle and tissue in my neck and back ached. I was green most of three days, and blue inside at the thought of all the plans I was breaking. 

I got over it, but not quite 100%, by Monday. I gathered strength to do some shopping... I was determined that if I could not eat I could buy things to eat later.  With much wonderment we visited Mario Batali's Eataly. It was just as cavernous and circusy as I thought it would be. I got lost a few times in the aisles of tasty spreads, produce and meats. Cheeses, pastas, bad Italian espresso - they have everything. I was only interested in the candies and sweets though, and I picked up two jars of that delicious stuff up there - crema di nocciole. 

I need to eat it every day or I get sad. Other items were purchased, and I have many plans to tell you all about the wonderful things I saw at Mast Brothers Chocolate - but those are for another day.

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