Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tartine Bread

Tartine Bread, originally uploaded by nee-cole.

I have been caring for a starter since the beginning of December -it is something I have always wanted to do. As a baker, I have been mainly in the dessert and sweets realm, but what I really want is to be a boulanger. So I fed my starter everyday, and really cared about it. I bored the people at work with details of yeast culture development and gluten structure - it seems to have paid off.
My first loaves came out of the oven blistered and smelling sweet, they rose - which is a miracle in itself when you think of what this is - its just flour and water.
The structure was not where I want it to be, but I can see the points in the 24 hours rising time where I went wrong and maybe exhausted my leaven. I followed Chad's instructions dutifully, though I think the book is a little poorly organized - images for one step being on a different page than the actual step's text. Its a beautiful book and a beautiful start in my hopeful career as a boulanger.
Happy New Year Y'all